Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Beauty ?.?

Hi readers, 

It has been an extremely long time since I've blogged. Forgive me, I've been lazy. Oopsss. hahahaha. BUSY!!!! Assignments every week is no fun at all. But I've handed in mine for now, and I'm freeeee. YAAAYYY!!

Anyways, want to know what I've been so determined to do lately? Losing weight!!!! Though not much of a success there. I can't seem to stop eating junk. For example, see the picture below?? I swear I can finish them in a day. Though it say digestives, it doesn't help you digest at all. It just makes you fat. That's all it does.One packet is almost 2000 calories. And I ate 2 at once. NICEEEEEE. BUT IT'S SO GOOD THOUGH. The chocolate and the biscuit just works so well together. Other brands can't compare. Oh god. I'm making myself want to get more. T.T 

Buy 2 for the price of 1. Damn it.

To compensate for all the nonsense I've eaten, I've been going to the gym everyday now. I try to attend at least 2 classes a day. But when I don't have the time, I go for a short 30 minute run. To feel like I've at least done something. Hope it all turn out well before I go back to Malaysia. MY GOAL! To lose 5-10 kgs.

I'm not obese or anything. No. But the society today just expects perfect looking girls to have long and slim legs and arms, a flat tummy while having boobs and a butt. That's what has been injected into this generations' mind. And that's my image of a perfect body. I want slim thighs, a flat tummy, long slim arms and boobs and a nice butt. Not really like a Victoria Secret model because I know that's *sings*  IMPOSSIBLE~~~~. I'm only 5' 2''. I know. Short. 

I'm not gonna lie to you and say beauty is only skin deep. That's a very deep saying. I know a lot of people say that but how many actually believe that's true? The first thing people see is your appearance, judge, then only decide whether to get to know you or not. Sadly, that's how it works. 

But on the bright side, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS 'I CAN'T DO IT, BECAUSE IT'S GENETICS', only LAZY people say that. If you want a great body, work hard for it. At least try. When you see the difference, it's all worth it.

These aren't my body... HAHAHAH!!! How I wish though.

Till next time! xoxo 

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