Friday, November 22, 2013

Miserably Tortured

Hi readers,

So despite the post title, it was an extremely productive day today. I'm proud. :D

It was a day of the Site Engineering assessment thing for my assignment. Every one in groups of 4 are suppose to be using equipments provided and start cracking. LOL. Excuse my lameness. Anyways, we were suppose to do 1.levelling and 2. getting the area of a site (eg angles and stuff). For those who don't know, I'm a student in the Construction School of Reading Uni. So, this levelling and area counting is my life now. (For this year only I hope). 

Due to how time consuming doing each tasks was, we were given 3 hours to do only one for this week and the 2nd one, the week after next. And today, my teammates and I were doing levelling. It was brutal. Standing in the cold for 3 hours. A leather jacket with an extra hoodie on the inside was not the best choice of attire I reckoned. But I had to summit to fate because that was what I wore. I was shivering the whole time. I've got to get my winter coat from the dry cleaners. Been dragging it for 2 weeks now. OR, get more jackets!!! But alas, haven't got the money. So, get my now cleaned jackets it is.

There was a part where every student was tested on levelling the equipment that in an uneven state. OMG. I was extremely nervous because I could never manage to do that in a short period of time. However, I Praise The Lord because I did it quite quickly. Basically, what I had to do was get the bubble in the circle. Sounds like some kids game huh? It was no joke I tell you. It once took 4 clueless girls almost 5-10 minutes just turning the nobs around trying to get it levelled. 

Here an example. 

See the bubble in the circular thing and 2 nobs at the bottom?? There's actually 3 but it isn't shown here. A lot of skill is required. And most of all, LUCK!

It was a nightmare before BUT I DID IT!!! YAYYYY

Kudos for me!

What all first year students are going through. Me included.

After that torturous 3 hours of walking around a car park in the cold, a friend and I decided to go to Starbucks for a hot, well-earned drink. I had an eggnog latte which was amazing. Totally did the trick of warming me up. In the cafe, we saw another friend. So we shared table and talked. Mostly about the piles the assignments we have. 

Don't you just love the seasonal cups Starbucks have? (Picture also from google because too engrossed with something hot to take a picture just now)

After half an hour, it was off to the next class. Tiring. But, we had to go. During class, we got talked through another assignment. Yay. NOT. I was sooooo hungry! I keep hearing my stomach growling while the lecturer was talking. After class, I went to the Construction building and paid for a hoodie and went back to cook a hot meal. Totally worth the wait.

Anyways, I'm gonna stop now. Currently on a movie marathon about 'The Boy That Lived and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named'. Know what movie it is? For those who've guessed it, HOORAH!! 10 POINTS FOR YOU! For those who haven't, what was your childhood like???!? IT'S HARRY POTTER! Gotta finish it soon to get starting with all the assignments.

Signing off! xoxo

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